3 Couples Posing Secrets Every Photographer Should Know
When posing couples other couples or even yourself its important to stayed relaxed and have fun with it!
Using these three posing tips you will be sure to get a great natural looking photo! I always start my sessions with walking shots. Walking helps relax and
get everyone in the groove. Once I take a few of those and everyone gets the jitters out then I will move on to more complicated poses. Posing is key to a successful photography business. If people feel like you know what you’re doing they will stop doubting and listen to what you’re saying. I make my clients do some crazy things but they trust me so they do it without hesitation!
Tip 1: Keep It Moving
Movement is key to a natural looking photo. Walking usually works great! There are so many different variations you can do with this! Here are some great tips for walking photos.
Walk slower than normal
Have the female walk crossing her legs in front of the other Don’t be afraid to have them do it a few times to get different looks
Move their heads looking at each other and looking away
Have the guy put a hand in pocket
If the female is wearing a dress pinch one side slightly
Here are a few examples:
Tip 2: Belly Button To Hip
This is such a great pose to help the ladies look slimmer! Have the guy stand straight on towards you and then have the lady put her belly button to his hip bone! This one I use often!
Helpful Tips:
You can have the lady turn her shoulders in to the guy and have her look slightly over her shoulder for a really flattering look
Have the guy pull her in like a belt. It will look super romantic and make her look slimmer.
Have the guy put on hand in his pocket so he has something to do with his hands!
Tip 3: Chest to Chest
This one is so great for getting romantic shots! You can do so much with this one pose it’s insane! You can have them put their foreheads together, kiss her forehead, look at you, etc.
Start with hands down and foreheads together Then Move the heads around
Next, you can add different arm movements to switch it up a bit
Make sure if the guy is nuzzling in to have him keep his eyes closed.
For each of these poses you can always add differnt arms, movents and facial expressions. These poses are just base poses to help you get started.
If you loved these tips I have so much more I can share with you on posing. For more secrets and tips you can check out my Guide for perfect posing I know you’ll love it!
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